What is deep house cleaning?
Deep Cleaning includes floor, bathroom, kitchen, window deep cleaning using modern cleaning machines and chemicals. Experienced cleaners are used to do this kind of job. House deep cleaning includes floor, bathroom, kitchen, window deep cleaning using modern cleaning machines and chemicals. Experienced cleaners are used to do this kind of job.
When do you need deep house cleaning?
House Deep Cleaning is required when you need professional cleaner to remove hard stains, tiles grout dirt and water stain from floor or wall. Only experienced cleaner will know which equipment and chemical to apply to clean it correctly. House Deep Cleaning is required when you need professional cleaner to remove hard stains, tiles grout dirt and water stain from floor or wall. Only experienced cleaner will know which equipment and chemical to apply to clean it correctly.
How much does a deep house cleaning cost in Bangladesh ?
In Dhaka, Bangladesh a 3-bedroom, 1500SQF new apartment house deep cleaning average cost is: 6500Tk. Cost may vary depending on type of floor and amount of tasks.
How long does it take to deep clean a house?
To deep clean a house it takes anywhere from 3 hours to 6 hours even more, it actually depends on the level of dirt and property size. For Example, a 3-bedroom, 1500SQF apartment should take around 4 hours to clean.